Now showing items 181-200 of 1328

      Industry -- Internet [1]
      Information system [1]
      information system, augmented reality, application, tourism [1]
      Information system, databases, online application, named users, security [1]
      Information system, Website application, Web development, Application Programming Interface (API) [1]
      Information Systems, Information Security Management Systems, Security Policy, Contingency and Recovery plan, Risk management plan [1]
      Integrated information system, Basketball management, Mobile application, Web application [1]
      Internet [1]
      Internet of Things [1]
      Internet of Things (IoT) [2]
      internet of things, consumption measurement, remote control, device, WiFi, technology, energy [1]
      Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Smart City, Big Data [1]
      Internet of Things, precision agriculture, precision livestock, smart farming [1]
      Internet of Things, Smart agriculture, Greenhouse, LoRaWAN, Cloud services [1]
      Internet of things, Smart Home, Microservices architecture, Container, docker [1]
      Internet Of Things, Wi-Fi, Internet Programming, Camera, Microcontroller, PCB board, Motor Sports, Application Programming Interface (API), Client-Server [1]
      Internet of things, wireless network of sensors, smart agriculture, big data, machine learning [1]
      internet of things, wireless sensor networks, android application, arduino, RF communication. [1]
      Internet of Things; ΙοΤ; Anonymity; Clustering Algorithms; k-anonymity; ε-Differential Privacy [1]
      Internet programming, Information System, Game, Online Platform, Education, quiz [1]