"Παίζουμε και εξερευνούμε το δικό μας και τους άλλους πολιτισμούς": κατασκευή εκπαιδευτικού υλικού για μαθητές Β΄ Δημοτικού
The main purpose of the present work is the construction of educational material aimed at developing the multicultural consciousness of students. Through language activities, students will learn about our own but also other cultures. For this purpose, beyond the linguistic exercises covering most of the present work, some motor games were used to enable pupils to interact with the environment, communicate and collaborate with multiple types of activities. In a playful and pleasant way, students will learn aspects of the culture of five countries, France, Romania, Italy, England and Greece. The themes of the exercises are fun, close to the interests of the children and their focus is not so much on the students to improve their linguistic development as they gradually develop, starting with their present work, their multicultural consciousness. This is not conquered by applying the present content alone, but it takes a continuous struggle, familiarizing students with the different, and the present work can only be a milestone for the development of multiculturalism in students' consciousness.